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Salem Oregon 2014

Hike into Santiam State Forest

Our Crazy Post Retirement Wanderings Hiking and Triking

Hike into Santiam State Forest

This forest can be found about 30 miles east of Salem, Oregon off highway 22 on forest roads. Santiam state forest is south and east of Silver Falls State Park. You can't get to it on asphault roads, only on rock forest roads, and it takes some doing to find it. But it's well worth doing. It's an unspoiled, ignored stand of many acres of old growth forest with Hemlocks and Douglas Pines, and other trees as well. We took a trail that went back into the woods and came to a place where the underground stream comes out of the a rock face, and falls into a pool 30 feet below it. Just one more of Oregons' hidden treasures. There's primative camping, with water that can be filtered for human consumption. Very peaceful and quiet, and not many visitors.

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